360 Days of Gratitude (Day 41) The “T” in SMART- Timing for Success

Timing for Success

We move toward success when we open our hearts, minds & spirits. We expand the ways that we spend our time which is another milestone on our road to success. Time is our most precious jewel, when you come to realize that…when you live each moment to its fullest, your treasure chest over flows with abundance.

Give yourself the gift of time. Restful time…connecting time…creative time…time to focus and time to play. When you do every day will become timeless. That is the measure of success!

Maya Angelou said that, “All great achievements require time.”

Remember that every moment that we have here on earth is sacred.

T– Is for Time Limits

Set a time to act and a time for results to come to you. Remember that you don’t want to become Time’s slave. In a fully awakened state our days become timeless. You are expanded and free without constraints. It seems bizarre but the road to the timeless is through time. This is only because of how our brains process experience. One event at a time in a straight line. In reality, your True Self is timeless. You are not bound by time. But all living things have a natural rhythm.

When you find your rightful time…everything you need for success unfolds naturally.

In practical terms we are asking that you approach time as something that you can master.

This is the best model that we have heard of that is a tool to that mastery.

There are according to Dr. Daniel Siegel a psychologist said that these are the best ways of spending your time. You should spend each day with each of these ways to utilize your time.

They are…

  • Sleep time
  • Physical time
  • Focus time
  • Time In
  • Time out
  • Play time
  • Connecting time

This gives you a way to master time instead of letting it slip away from you.

When you begin your day, pay attention to all 7 departments of time. Remember that they nurture every aspect of you and your growth

  • Sleep time– Did you get a full night of restful sleep?
  • Physical time– Did you take time to move and let your body be active?
  • Focus time– Where you alone so you could focus on what matters to you?
  • Time in– Did you set aside a few moments for prayer, meditation and self-reflection?
  • Time out– What time did you set aside to just be in the moment resting in you existence?
  • Play time– Did you give yourself time to have fun in a carefree mood?
  • Connecting time– Was there intimate connecting time between you and the ones you love and cherish?

These aren’t just components of a well-planned day, they optimize different areas of the brain which lead to expanded awareness and a sense of fulfillment.

This with the timeframes that you utilize for creating your dreams and the action steps you take, you will guarantee that you are a success. Remember it is all about living a well-rounded life! You must make time for all the aspects of your life and in doing so, you live a life of no regrets.

When you live a well-rounded life it gives you more reasons to be grateful and in turn the Universe will expand your path to success. Living in gratitude for each and every moment of your day is the path!

Thank you for joining me on this journey of discovery and learning to be SMART on our own personal road to success. Remember that it is an interconnected journey and we all have a part in each other’s path. We are one energy, living our lives with love, passion, courage and in search of knowledge!

We are all here to help each other

Use this thought to center you as you go along your day and way…

I allow the flow of time to carry me forward.

Special thanks to Deepak Chopra and Oprah for this path to enlightenment. Please join them on their 21 day Meditation on Success.

I welcome any and all comments as to the direction you guys are interested in going. Otherwise it is back to my journey in the scheme of things. I will be traveling for the next few day (my favorite thing) I am driving to North Texas to see the wild flowers!!! So Excited! I love Mother Nature and all Her colors. I will let you know of my journey this weekend…late! Namaste Y’all

I am grateful that we are taking this journey together! Thank you for following, liking & sharing my blog with your friends and family. If you have any questions, please comment below and I will respond to your questions.

I am available for coaching and life readings. Just go to my Oracle Card Reading page and schedule an appointment.

Remember that Today is going to be the best day ever!!!!

Thank you! Thank You!! THANK YOU!!!


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