360 Days of Gratitude (Day 42) I’m Changing Everyday

Blood Moon

I am back and grateful for the unfolding!!!

Hey Everyone,

I’m so glad that this week is coming to an end and a new door is opening.  I am really excited about the full moon…this one is a blood moon which makes it all the more exciting! It is all the more powerful that this is Easter Weekend.

This is powerful energy that in today’s cards the energy is all about change. (I will be posting them later) I know in my life that things are changing at an increasing rate.  I am manifesting my butt off and I am loving it!  All my intentions are coming to fruition…WOW!!!  Even my intuitive powers are on an all time high.

Yesterday I was on a road trip and got lost.  I wasn’t focused on where I was going and then all of a sudden, I was in front of the cemetery that I went to over a year ago for a funeral for one of my friends Dad.  This place is 300 miles from my home and I only been there once in my life and here I am in front of it.  Spirit guided me to the plot.  As I was looking for it, a stranger approached me and asked if I would want a flower to lay on the grave.  I thanked her gratefully.  How often has that ever happened?  Never to me!  But I took it as a sign that there was a message waiting…and there was. It was!!!

I was in a world wind of voices and messages about my life and the life with my friend.  In a way I think it was a message for me about change and release.  Their messages were funny and heart-felt.  I received other voices as well.  It was my beloved Dad & Brother and AA Michael.  They all said that I needed to release what no longer is serving me.

Sometimes that is hard to do because I have in the past used it as a crutch…but I now realize that it was holding me back.  I have come the realization that I deserve better and in releasing it to God will leave my hands open to receive something better.  I am always asking this…Let this happen or something better.  Well Hello!!!!

The winds of change ARE doing that but I need to free it up and make space for it or

I wouldn’t be able to receive it.

I have been doing this but to be honest, not in all the aspects of my life.  I have (as most of us do) been asking for abundance in my financial world…and boy has it been coming in!!!!  I love this because of the independence that it brings me to do ANYTHING I desire.

This week I asked for a closed contract to fill my funnel. This is what appeared 🙂

I wrote a contract that will bring into my house $30000.

Well not only did I close that contract, but…

I received calls by 2 potential clients & 2 contractors that each have 5 clients for me!!!!  I love my life!  Potentially they represent another $40,000 in my house!!!!

Are you kidding me!  These things materialized in one fricken day!!!  It is all about focus and intention!

I am rocking this wave.

This is the perfect time with the Blood Full Moon, to figure out where your life is going…I know I am!!!

I am not hanging any conditions on how any of this is showing up, I am just staying dedicated to the flow and work the action steps I am taking.

I wrote about this in my SMART series, I hope some of you will look at it. This could be a game changer for you… Ya never know until you try. Remember if you don’t try…the answer is always NO.

With the Blood Moon I am intending the following as this is a powerful time for manifestation.


  •  Today I am grateful for the new bounty that floods into my life with passion of a raging river.  Money now flows to me in expected and unexpected ways and it is delicious!  I love the way it feels when I see my bank account grow in 5 digit ways.  Let this happen or something better.
  • Today I am grateful for having the ways and means to completely fix my body so that I am able to accomplish my goals in life.  I love to travel and see the world and hike it all!  I love having my camera with me and taking the most inspiring pictures that make people gasp with the beauty that they possess. I love to inspire people with the EYE OF GOD.  Let this happen or something better.
  • Today I am grateful to be an exciting new author on the seen and not only do people love my passion.  They tell their friends and family to read this book and go to this workshop!!! This girl knows her shit.  It worked for me and it will work for you.  I now have 100’s of thousand of people that not only follow my blog, but pay me top dollar for my advice and direction.  They are motivated and inspired by my workshops and I am now a thought leader and best selling author with Hay House and I am on the right track to appearing on Oprah!!!  That’s my dream and I am sticking to it!  Let this happen or something better
  • Today I am grateful to be in the most exciting relationship of my life.  I am grateful that after 55 years I have met the man of my dreams.  He is tall, handsome, passionate, financial stable, sexy beyond measure and most of all spiritual and he teaches me new wonderful exciting things everyday.  We have the best sex life EVER and my toes are always curled!!!! YUMMINESS! We travel the world together and he is my partner in crime and passion.  He is creative and loves my work.  He is my inspiration and absolute cheerleader.  I am so in love!  Let this happen or something better.
  • Today I am grateful & I am living in my new home with my family.  I love being home in California again.  It is a place where I find my center it is my place of grounding and where my heart has always been. I have come full circle and it feels delicious! Let this happen or something better.
  •  My daughter is now living close by and I am grateful that our lives are so interconnected.  She loves living in California. I am so happy to see her thrive and living a bountiful life.  She is living her passion and we are living our passions…TOGETHER!  Let this happen or something better.

Thank you! Thank You!! THANK YOU !!!

I am available for coaching and life readings. Just go to my Oracle Card Reading page and schedule an appointment.
