Oracle Card Reading April 13 – 19

April 13 thru 19 ReadingWhat an awesome reading…Kick off your shoes, this is going to be fun!

This is going to be a wondrous week.

Today I am changing it up a bit as I am guided to use the Medicine Way of reading the cards.  Instead of doing the reading based on the time of the week I am reading them as a Native American reading in a Medicine Wheel  format.  So starting from the east and ending in the north with Sacred Mountain (Center Guiding Card).

Seeing that the Butterfly is in the Sacred Mountain and the guiding card we are through the week of  transformation. You are sitting at a crossroads and of spiritual and physical realities. Since all things evolve, this is something you need to understand in order to go forward.  It is an omen of the things to come. It is a time for change.  We must recognize where we are in this change as the butterfly has 4 stages.  During the week to figure out where you are ask yourself the following questions and feel the answer of where you are in your development.

  1. Is this the egg stage: Is it just a thought or idea?
  2. Is this the larva stage: Do I need to make a decision?
  3. Is this the cocoon stage: Am I developing and doing something to make my idea a reality?
  4. Is this the birth stage: Am I sharing my completed idea?

By asking yourself these questions, you will discover how the moment and stage of Butterfly is relating to you.  When you understand where you are, then you will understand what to do next.  This is all about transformation and having the clarity of how to organize your next step.

Cool?  Awesome!!!  Let’s begin!

I am using the wisdom of the Goddess Oracles for each direction.

In the East which is the direction of Enlightenment or Spiritual Path.  It is where your spiritual strength lies and reveals the major challenge for you to see clearly in your present situation.

The Goddess of the East is Lakshmi the Goddess of Abundance!!!  Hello!!!!  Lakshmi has appeared to tell you that is time to nurture your wholeness and live from abundance.  Are you defining yourself from the parameters of scarcity rather that abundance?  Are you focused on scarcity rather than your infinite limitlessness and plenty?  Lakshmi says that abundance is hard to find if you have a poverty mindset and basically you are blocking yourself.  Remember that the way to wholeness is to opening yourself up to the flow of abundance of the Universe.  When you do so you will not only allow it to flow into your life, but you will be drawn to it!  Is it love you search for, a better job (more money), fun, friendship?  Remember that life and abundance in life is any form you choose it to be!!!  In order to call abundance to you…you must call it and believe that it is already yours.  Do this from a conscious place of love and plenty and believe it in your present moment.

In the South is the direction of the Inner Child.  It is what you need to trust in yourself and what you need to nurture yourself in the growing process

The Goddess of the South is Pachamama the Goddess of Healing/Wholing/Holy. Pachamama is an Incan or Peruvian Goddess and she is the Earth in all Her forms.  She awaits you with open arms and says it is time to be embraced and to heal and become whole.  Remember that you are a Holy as you are a Divine Spark and you need to remember that you are sacred. Feel that connection as you are connected with the One and are whole.  It is time to release all that makes you feel divided from Mother Pachamama as she is Mother Earth.  Time to spend some time outside in Mother Pachamama and spend sometime remembering how amazing you are. Stay open and receive the blessings of your child self.

In the West is the direction of Present Life challenges.  It indicates where you goals need attention and how to reach the end you desire.

The Goddess of the West is Vila the Goddess of Shape-Shifting.  Vila is the Goddess of energy moving through the earth as nature. Vila is a consummate shape-shifter and is able to change into any form.  She loves to play and dance.  She is all about abundance or she is all about death.  But remember that it is your choice. Are you feeling stiff or stagnant in the way you are thinking or being? Well Vila is tell you to expand your awareness and enhance your flexibility by gaining a new perspective of another form.  Shift your awareness to one of wholeness by experiencing your life from a new perspective and embrace that wholeness that is within you. It is time to nourish yourself and protect yourself from negative energy.  Think of it this way…you are changing and shifting everyday. Embrace it with a loving and grateful heart and then, more things to be grateful for will enter into your life.  As a shape-shifter you are now able to shed that old skin that no longer serves you and embrace that new, shiny new skin that sits just underneath the surface.  This is the way of the flow and the Universe…have fun with it!

In the North is the Direction of Walking In Wisdom.  This is the card of knowing and the teacher within.  It is all about connecting to you higher-self and your life’s purpose and intention.  

The Goddess is Bast. Bast is the Egyptian Goddess of Play and is directed by the Sun. She is all about life-giving pleasurable aspects of the Sun and the joy, music, dance and the healing of the moon.  Bast comes into your cards to tell you that it is time to divert yourself with something fun! Has play been a low priority in your life? Do you even know how to play? Maybe you have been working too hard and you have forgotten the importance of play.  It is time to rediscover your inner-child and play a little…or a lot! 🙂 In order to be whole you must nurture all sides of your true self and that includes playing…HELLO!  Remember this is a short time that we spend in this human form and enjoying life and playing, laughing, loving & spreading light is part of this life!  Nurture the wholeness the lies in playing!

What an amazing week!  It is a time of transformation and change and is all about connecting to your inner child and a new way of thinking in order to create the abundance you have already manifested.  It is about releasing all that doesn’t serve you and embracing the new and improved you or should I say the Expanded and Enlightened You!  It is all about having fun and creating your new cycle in life.  In all the stages of Butterfly we see that it is a natural cycle that should be embraced and learned with a zest for life…have fun with it!  It is all good!!!!

I love this and in my own personal life I am in the midst of this all as a new and improved me! I am being birthed a new as we speak!!!!  I relish in this unfolding and I have faith that you will too.

I pray that in whatever stage you are in you do it with passion and have fun with it!

Fluttering away into my vortex of creation


If you like this format, let me know as I really enjoyed putting this together for you!!!

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We are now offering private readings to my followers!

I offer Goddess, Angel Oracle and Medicine Card readings

These readings can be over the phone, Skype or via email.

Each reading will have an MP3 reading.

Once purchased, (see Schedule Now Button & Pay Pal Button below to choose time and type of reading) please email and include your name, email, date of birth, and the question you would like to ask.

If you do not provide information, a general reading will be given.

PLEASE NOTE that the readings are recorded for you convenience for you to review after the session. Each reading will be recorded for you to review in a MP3 format and sent to you. It will take up to 7 days for these recordings to be sent to you. After your payment is confirmed and time of appointment made I will be sending you a phone number and access code. Please make sure your email address matches your name so I can confirm payment is yours.

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