360 Days of Gratitude (Day 45) Find a Passion & Pursue it!!!

IMG_0115Today I AM the Passion That Sails a Thousand Ships

I am that passion and grateful for each and every moment that brought me to this point!  Today is the best day of my life and I live it with all that I am.  I am blessed and Divinely Favored.  I am exactly where I need to be to make manifest the magic that creates worlds.

I am that and more…

It has been an amazing few days.  I feel as if I am floating and my feet are yet to touch the ground.  I have a vision and it comes more into alignment each and everyday.  Sometimes in small ripples and sometimes in a roaring wave of the complete and utter expansion in my heart.  I am grateful!!!

Today is the moment that I create my magic, because everything is perfect in this moment.

I am grateful that my new path is opening up before my very eyes and I can see it clearly! Today my steps and my vision are starting to roll forward and my first steps to becoming a master teacher has already come to fruition and I delight in this sweet dance beneath the stars of my creation.

It is my blessing to travel the world and teach about the love of manifestation and living in vibrational harmony.  It is all about the love and with this love all things are possible.

It is in this expectation that I hold that these visions will come to fruition. There is no doubt…only Faith!  I believe it to be so and so it is!

I am grateful that through my love all these things simply fall into my lap because I expect them to do so!  Because of this faith that I hold close to my heart all the money, travel, love, friendship peace and harmony are One with me now and I am supremely grateful!

Thank you! Thank YOU!! THANK YOU!!!

It was a kick ass awesome day and I had to tell you that I love you all and I am grateful to you all!  You are all my inspiration and you are all in my prayers.  Remember that it is within your visions that you make your dreams come true.  I know that I am rockin this one!!!!

Now go manifest something!!!!!

Love you lots!


PS…Please Like, Follow, Comment, Share, Tweet, Where ever you found me share me!!!  I don’t care how you do it…just do it baby!!!!  Spread the love of another day…I dare you!  ❤